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Петух храбр на своей навозной куче // Всегда легко быть храбрым в своём доме, в привЫчной обстановке Или в окружении друзей.

Patriotism is а lively sense of collective responsibility. Nationalism is а silly сск:k crowing оо its owo duogblll and calling for larger spurs and brighter beaks. I fear that nationalism is one of England's many spurious gifts to the world. (Aldington)

"Where did we stay in Paris ?" he asked the woman who was sitting in а canvas chair, now, in Africa. "At the Crillon. You know that. " "Why do I know that ?" "That's where we always stayed." "No. Not always." "There and at the Pavillion HenriQuatre in St. Germain. У ou said you loved it there." "Love is а dunghill," said Harry. "And I'm the coc:k that gets оо it to crow." (Hemingway)

I am sorry I do not speak Gujrati, but my friend here will translate for you... Уou are ignorant, superstitious, lazy buggers. You don't believe in India. Only understand your owo dungheap. (Masters)

"No, n-no !" cried Brian in а tone of distress. "Not th-that." "Cock of thе dunghill," Anthony continued, ignoring the other's protest. "He's to Ье cock-even if it's only of thе tiniest little Fabian dunghill." Не laughed. "Poor old Mark ! What an agony when he can't get to tЬе top of ЬВ dunghill ! One's lucky to prefer books." (Huxley)